May 27, 2024



Aspirational Performance (AP)

Designed to allow aspiring and existing leaders and managers to aspire, inspire and achieve the outcomes that others might think is not achievable

Networking (AP3)

CompetencyAdministerial roleManagerial roleStrategic role
AP3.6 Networking skills
Is able to help set up and build on internal networksIs able to grow and build on both internal and external networks and use them to share good practice and can use networks to collaborate, validate, innovate and learnIs able to use the collaboration of multiple networks to maintain and develop professional integrity and operate within a national or an international network, sharing knowledge and promoting good practice
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is professional-standards-1024x576.png
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is MY-learning-logo-FINAL3.png

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